How to setup same DKIM settings for multiple (virtualmin) servers

You already have one server with a dkim key pair and use virtualmin “DomainKeys Identified Mail”:

  1. Edit the dkim option on the source server and add the new domain (I personally use sub domains for all my servers) so for example if your initial mail server is and your new server (the one you will copy the dkim key on) is your “Domains to sign for” section must contain:



  1. Save this on the source server. The key will be updated….
  2. The private key on my ubuntu server is filed under: /etc/dkim.key
  3. If your target server is the same [OS], first of all proceed to enable DKIM on the virtualmin “DomainKeys Identified Mail”, you may want to use the same details than the source server in the “Domains to sign for” section & “Save”, this will create the key pairs.
  4. I personally then disabled dkim on the TARGET server before doing the next step, but it might not be required(!?).
  5. When complete, edit the /etc/dkim.key on the TARGET server with vi or otherwise replace the private key with the one from the SOURCE server (you should make a backup of the file first, always do a backup!).
  6. Go back to the virtualmin “DomainKeys Identified Mail” in the TARGET server page and enable the dkim outgoing email but with the option “Force generation of new private key?” to “NO” and “Save”

The private key will then be read from the /etc/dkim.key and used to generate the exact same public and DKIM DNS records for domains as the source server together with all the required settings to make it work.

You’re all set and the DNS can be edited if the DKIM DNS records for domains has changed, mine does not seem to have.

Synchronisation between two Virtualmin servers

When, like me, you get paranoid to losing your data or web server functionality…

I have created a little perl script to allow the synchronization of MySQL databases and /home between my Webservers.

The master server (where the script runs from) is the main production server, the salve server is on standby just in case.

I can appreciate that the passwords are clearly inserted in the script and it is a security issue. Nonetheless, I am the only admin and no other users have ftp or other privileges on both servers. I am sure that there is a way to prevent this but I am happy with the current situation and, obviously I am also making a regular backup of the master server on an external backup provider (I use

# Performs a synchronisation of home folder and dumps sql databases 
# from one Virtual server to another using rsync and secure shell 
# Written by G.Serex Sharpnet UK (c) 03.12.2020 

# Var definitions 

############### SQL Config ############# 
# SQL root username 
$username = "root"; 
# Local SQL root password 
$password = "localmysqlpassword"; 
# Remote SQL root password 
$rpassword = "remotemysqlpassword"; 
# The dumped files path . (absolute path + trailing / please) 
$dumped_dbs_path = "/root/mysql/"; 
# The dumped file name 
$dumped_db = "dump.sql"; 
# Name of the database to exclude from the dump (here the mysql and sys are obviously dedicated to each server, so don't dump them!) 
$exclude_database = "mysql,sys,information_schema,performance_schema"; 

################ SSH Config ################# 

# The remote host name 
$remotehost = "ipaddress"; 

#The ssh username 
$sshusername = "root"; 

#The ssh port 
$sshport = "xx"; 

#____ E N D _ V A R _ D E F S. ________________ 

# First check and optimise the lot.

# A little house keeping 
system("/usr/bin/mysqlcheck --optimize --all-databases --auto-repair -u $username -p$password"); 

# Dump the dbs 
system("/usr/bin/mysqlpump -u $username -p$password --exclude-databases=$exclude_database --add-drop-table --result-file=$dumped_dbs_path$dumped_db"); 

# Transfer them abroad 
system("/usr/bin/rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p $sshport' $dumped_dbs_path $sshusername\@$remotehost:$dumped_dbs_path"); 

# Restore the dump abroad 

system("/usr/bin/ssh -p $sshport $sshusername\@$remotehost 'mysql -u root -p$rpassword < $dumped_dbs_path$dumped_db'"); 

# rsync the home directory 

system("/usr/bin/rsync -avz --delete -e 'ssh -p $sshport' /home/ $sshusername\@$remotehost:/home"); 